A Bag Full Of Security... this is not a weapon, it's a LIFESAVER!
We live in unsafe, dangerous times... the number of armed attacks on innocent citizens have reached an unprecedented number. Some of the most frequent attacks are attacks with edged weapons - such as knives, machetes, axes - and with blunt objects such as sticks, pipes, batons etc. The average person and even trained self defense students have a very hard time to defend themselves against such attacks. BUCKLER BAG IS THE ANSWER to these kind of threats - BUCKLER BAG is your PERSONAL BODY GUARD!
BUCKLER BAG is a stab and slash resistant shoulder bag, which serves as a shield against attacks against edged weapons - since THAT is the most dangerous and most common threat today on the streets worldwide. BUCKLER BAG will also stop attacks with blunt objects, such as pipes, wrenches, sticks, batons and the like. BUCKLER BAG will, of course, equally stop unarmed attacks such as punches or kicks. And last not least, with BUCKLER BAG you will even be able to fend of animal attacks, such as vicious dogs. BUCKLER BAG and its self defense system has been designed and devised by a group of professional close protection instructors in the USA and in France - experts for safety, self defense and personal security. Now YOU can use this method TO BE SAFE AGAIN! BUCKLER BAG can be carried like a regular shoulder bag. But it has a special design - design, name and logo registered with the German Patent Authority (Patentamt) - which makes it easily possible to use this bag as a shield - a buckler, hence the name of this bag. Slash and stab resistant materials will stop edged weapons and keep you from being gravely injured. A secret compartment - accessible from the OUTSIDE of the bag - may, for instance, contain self defense tools - ready for your use at a second's notice. Keep the element of surprise on your side!
BUCKLER BAG comes together with a full self defense system of self defense moves or "techniques", a full and realistic training system for EVERYBODY, simple, but effective. ANYONE can use this system for their personal safety! Easy to learn with only very little training required, as the techniques are based on instinctive moves EVERYONE already knows. If the video below is not being displayed, please click here to watch it on Facebook...
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